I continue to be astounded by the lack of concern individuals show for the deteriorating state of planet. At work, I have setup a couple of recycle bins — one for plastic and one for cardboard — yet I am constantly finding recyclables in the garbage. I pick them out and put them where they belong. Last week I shouted “Cardboard tubes are recyclable!” as I stomped to the blue bin. It’s maddening that people can’t be bothered to put even the smallest effort in. There is simply no valid excuse for it.
As humans with such a privileged place in the world, we have grown up with an attitude of entitlement. Anything is there for our taking. We take and we take and we take from the earth. It provides everything, and yet many (most?) can’t put forth the slightest effort to lighten their impact on it, as if its resources were limitless or our impact on it minor. I assure you, our impact on the health of the planet is not the least bit minor. The burden we place on the world is killing it; of that there is no doubt. Also not in doubt is that our children will suffer and pay for our selfishness.