Of late, I have become extremely sensitive to the language in television, radio, and print ads. Those that are hyper-consumeristic really catch my attention and make me shudder. Thought I’d take a photo of one today that I came across. I expect images like this will become a regular feature of my blog. What does this image say about the way we have styled our role on this planet as compared to the role of other organisms? That we see everything else on this earth as a resource to be exploited for our every whim becomes starkly clear. Is this really the way we should be behaving?
My son had two wiggly teeth. Recently, he lost his first tooth. He was excited that the tooth fairy would be coming. I wondered what the tooth fairy was giving out these days, so I checked the Oracle (Yahoo Answers via Google). There were a number of Mommy opinions. This one caught my attention: “I got about between $20 and $5. Kids are happy with at least $1 but I think they need more.” …
“NEED more”?!?! My son NEEDS me to provide shelter, to put food on the table, to read with him, to tell him to put on some pants … he doesn’t NEED more money. He already has more saved for his future education that I have in my own RRSP.
The tooth fairy put one loonie, two quarters, two dimes, 2 nickels, 10 pennies and a fresh pack of sugarless gum (the kind recommended by dentists) in a baggie under his pillow. Next morning, he was THRILLED with all the money he got. I know his cousin got a $20 bill, but my son was proud to say he got two HUNDRED cents!
He has one more wiggly tooth. That magical morning, he said when the other one comes out, maybe he will put it under his sister’s pillow so she can get some gum too.