I shamefully admit that it has taken me until now to donate to Haitian relief. I’ve been focussed on retaining cash for my own major life transition here, but have finally come to the realization that my problems are miniscule in comparison to the suffering the people of Haiti are enduring. I’ve added a link to my “Worthy Causes” links if you’re interested in finding a registered charity to make your own donation. This is a CBC site with loads of information and a huge long list of charities to choose from.
My main reason for writing is to test out the new reply interface. Yes, we did donate to World Vision for Haiti. We’ve been sponsoring a kid from Central American for many years who was the same age as my neice. We gave the sponsorship as a gift to my neice several years ago in lieu of a gift for X-mas because we wanted to open her eyes at an earlier age to the plight of others far less fortunate than us. I asked that any mail/letters from the sponsored child be sent to my neice so that maybe they could become pen pals and so that my neice could possibly learn how the rest of the world subsits on a daily wage that is less than bus fare here in Canada. Well, I don’t know if they’ve become pen pals, but I think she did kinda like the gift. I think anonymous philanthropy has its place. But if you want to mobilize the global community to help out a people in crisis, you need to talk about it and lead by example.