As I’ve mentioned I keep an eye out for humourous (from my atheistic perspective) or otherwise moronic taglines posted on church billboards. This one was a doozy:
“Believing in the good will of others saves so much time.”
I wanted to editorialize this one by sticking a sign underneath it that read “… and makes you a fool”.
Does anyone really think that simply believing in the goodwill of others is a good idea? I mean, I can understand how it would save you all that precious time, bypassing the niggly social jousting and reconnoitering, and getting straight to the vigorous ass-reaming your new friend intended in the first place. But is it all worth it in the end, so to speak? I’m going to have to side with the ‘No’ camp on this one. But then that’s just me. You may enjoy vigorous ass-reamings.