Not being one of the chosen people myself, I don’t have the inside scoop on these kinds of things, but what with the recent kafuffel regarding the Canadian national anthem and the drive to rename things like manhole to personhole I figure there’s gotta be a woman’s movement of some kind within the Jewish faith that is absolutely steaming mad at the name they’ve been given. Hebrew. Hebrew?! I mean, come on, people! The very name discounts a full half of the Jewish population. In this enlightened age of gender-neutral terminology, this hardly seems appropriate. Is it fair? NO! Are they gonna take it?! Maybe…. I’m not sure. See, this lack of an inside scoop thing is proving to be more of a handicap than I expected. But what I do know for sure is that while I may not be a woman (or a Jew), I can recognize a railroading when I see it.
Solidarity sisters! Good luck to everyone involved. Keep me posted. Thanks.