Intelligent Design Unlikely

One of the bits of evidence that creationists point to in support of the notion of God having created man is that the the body is such a perfect and harmonious machine. Further, that the incalculable complexity if the thing precludes any possibility of it having been produced by the process of random recombination of genetic material through countless generations of organisms.

I call bullshit.

The appendix, for example, is defunct. It is an organ that clearly once served a purpose (else why would we have one), but is no longer something required for us to live a normal, healthy life. How can this be accounted for by invoking the notion of intelligent design? The real nail in the coffin, though, comes from an examination of our airway. What kind of a moron would design a breathing apparatus that shares its intake valve with the food passage? How many millions of people and animals have had their lives cut short by a sharp intake of breath at an inopportune moment? A simple involuntary impulse can cause death. This kind of imperfect arrangment can only come about by the application of foresightless evolutionary processes, not by some higher power. Unless that higher power was on some kind of decision-imparing drug the night it came up with the idea.

1 comment for “Intelligent Design Unlikely

  1. Well, I know the Jehovah’s Witnesses would probably argue, “The appendix has a purpose. We, as imperfect humans, just don’t know what it is yet.” Then they’d go on to review some instances where science was wrong and the Bible was right. For example, the Bible talks about the skin of one’s teeth. And for a while, people like you were all, “Teeth clearly don’t have skin. So the Bible is horseshit.” (Except they probably used the word “Forsooth” in there somewhere). Then science discovered, golly gee, teeth DO have skin! Same with rabbits (or hares, can’t remember which); the Bible says they chew their cud. Science said “no they don’t”. Then, lo and behold, they were observed chewing their cud! Of course no one questioned Jerry Falwell’s subsequent massive donation to the Rabbits and Hares Club.

    As for your second point, it is simply impossible for some people (many of the Jehovah’s Witnesses I know, for example) to think that way. For example, the book “Life: How Did It Get Here, By Evolution Or By Creation” published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. goes into lengthy detail about how amazing it is that the Earth is EXACTLY the right distance from the sun to support life, that it contains SUCH an abundance of water, blah blah blah, using those points as arguments that “The world is so perfectly suited for the occupancy of mankind that it was clearly put here deliberately as a home for us.” Of course the alternate explanation, that the Earth is as it is and we evolved to suit the environment, doesn’t occur to them.

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