“Why does a hummingbird flap its wings so fast?” “So that it can hover.” “Why does it need to hover?” “So that it can delicately insert its long tongue deep into the sweetest flowers and extract the nectar there.” “Why…
Prairie Dog Language Decoded (I shit you not)
This opens the door to real inter-species language translation. Just imagine the possible implications… http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2013/06/21/science-prairie-dog-language-decoded.html
Construction Eye Opener
[This is something I wrote a long time ago and never posted, because I didn’t feel it was polished enough or quite finished. I’m not in the reno business anymore, but… what the hell, I’m posting it as is anyway.…
Why Post-Apocalypse Books and Films Matter
I love post-apocalypse movies, but to tell you the truth they scare the crap out of me. My interest in stories of this type used to be just out of fascination with an imaginary world, but as time has progressed…
My Ishmael
In a previous article I talked about the book Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn. I was delighted to discover a sequel to that book called My Ishmael. I’m enjoying it just as much. The thing I love most about these books…
Jiddu Krishnamurti, 1895 – 1986
I had never heard of this man before, but after stumbling upon these quotes I became fascinated and wanted to know all about him. There is an excellent biography located on Wikipedia. It is no measure of health to be…