Category: Personal

About me.


Today in traffic I could see that the vehicle that was three vehicles forward of me had begun signalling to turn left.  I could also see that there was a fair amount of oncoming traffic, so I quickly made a…


Social scientists and happiness researchers tell us that experiencing gratitude is one of the key emotions involved in maintaining a healthy and happy state of mind.  I thought it strange to think of gratitude as an emotion, but upon reflection…


I remember a moment of awakening for me about three years ago.  I found myself walking through a Walmart.  I was like anyone else in there — looking around for what I came for, but also scoping for things that…

Me to We: Four paragraphs

I am currently reading Me to We: Finding Meaning in a Material World by Craig and Marc Keilburger.  On pages 44-45 I came across a few paragraphs that ring so true for me and echo so well some of the…

Donated to Haitian relief yet?

I shamefully admit that it has taken me until now to donate to Haitian relief. I’ve been focussed on retaining cash for my own major life transition here, but have finally come to the realization that my problems are miniscule…

2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl

I may have had a mini-epiphany brought on by reading something in a book I purchased a week ago called 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, written by Daniel Pinchbeck.  I wasn’t really sure what it was about — some kind…

New Year’s Resolutions for 2010

Well, times change and so do I. Maybe getting divorced does that to people. Maybe I’ve been changing all along and that’s why I find myself at this life-changing juncture. Maybe this is the way I’ve always felt I should…

Less Egregious Orchids

“Ever felt pangs of guilt for being born in Canada?” “Not sure what you mean.” “Well, I mean, my wife and I watch HGTV all the time. She’s a designer, so when the kids aren’t monopolizing the TV we flip…

The Blackberry scourge

For those of you out there who feel that an electronic PDA or Blackberry is the shiznit, you will have a difficult time convincing me. Six months ago I left a job of five years that required me to carry…

The Nature of an Artist

A simple definition of an artist is “one who creates art”.  Of course, this is also a useless definition.  Good definition or no, there is, I think, a quintessentially true statement that can be made of all artists. I have…