Germans have been brewing beer for over 800 years and in the year 1516 Duke Wihelm IV enacted the Bavarian Purity Law, ostensibly for the purpose of eliminating suspicious ingredients. It stated that beer can only be brewed from natural…
Category: Observation
Things that have made me go “Hmmm…”
The Savings Saviour
The latest ING Direct television ad makes its pitch by appealing to viewers insecurity regarding the money (or lack thereof) they have tucked away for a rainy day and starts something like this: Experts say that you should save three…
There’s One Born Every Minute
As I’ve mentioned I keep an eye out for humourous (from my atheistic perspective) or otherwise moronic taglines posted on church billboards. This one was a doozy: “Believing in the good will of others saves so much time.” I wanted…
Rapturous Sinners
There’s a bumper sticker I’ve seen many times and every time I’ve seen it, something about it has rubbed me the wrong way. You’ve probably seen this bumper sticker too, as it seems to be staggeringly popular: “Warning! In case…
The Nature of Creativity
I don’t know if anyone has given much thought to this and I haven’t done any kind of research to determine if there is any clinical data to back it up, but for a long time now I have held…
Solidarity Sisters
Not being one of the chosen people myself, I don’t have the inside scoop on these kinds of things, but what with the recent kafuffel regarding the Canadian national anthem and the drive to rename things like manhole to personhole…