Category: Observation

Things that have made me go “Hmmm…”

The value of things

I was having a discussion with a friend recently in which he lamented about the number of gifts his children had received for Christmas.  It was January 16th and there were still a few gifts under the tree, not yet…

Me to We: Four paragraphs

I am currently reading Me to We: Finding Meaning in a Material World by Craig and Marc Keilburger.  On pages 44-45 I came across a few paragraphs that ring so true for me and echo so well some of the…

Dump deconstructed

Since I am a renovator, I am obliged to haul demolition and construction debris to the dump from time to time.  I expect this gives me a somewhat different perspective on this topic than folks who don’t make that trek…

2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl

I may have had a mini-epiphany brought on by reading something in a book I purchased a week ago called 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, written by Daniel Pinchbeck.  I wasn’t really sure what it was about — some kind…

Less egregious orchids

“Ever felt pangs of guilt for being born in Canada?” “Not sure what you mean.” “Well, I mean, my wife and I watch HGTV all the time. She’s a designer, so when the kids aren’t monopolizing the TV we flip…

The golden rule

“What I’m saying is that religion thinks it holds a monopoly on morality. No religion, no morality. I call bullshit. In fact, I would say it’s possibly a fear of having no morality — or rather, being told that one…

More geo-engineering hijinx

Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I’m not sure about the former. — Albert Einstein It appears that the notion of reflecting the sun’s rays in order to deal with global warming has not died…

I am an evolutionary success — maybe

“Mike, look at me.” “I am looking at you.” “No. Look at me. What do you see?” “Okay… I see a thirty-something software guy, balding and growing a paunch.” “Aha, you mock me to camouflage your own glaring inadequacies, but…

Ishmael revisited

In my life I have read only two books a second time.  The first was aeons ago and I cannot now recall what it was.  The second was Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, which I just finished a month ago.  This…