Category: Observation

Things that have made me go “Hmmm…”

Capitalism: Case in Point

I’ve been railing about the deleterious effects of capitalism in one form or another for some years now, slowly refining my views on it. If you want examples, see here, here, here, here, here, and here. My view currently is…

Art Is Life

I know it sounds outrageous to say it, but I have come around to the belief that without art we are lost. What do we live for otherwise? Our children? Love? Maybe, but to what end, if not to together…

Why Community Matters

The other day I was bemoaning the erosion of community in our everyday lives and placing the blame squarely on automation. Automation and the never-ending race to achieve greater efficiency seeks to remove people from as many equations as possible.…

Why Men Like War Movies

On the eve of Remembrance Day I was thinking about what films I would watch tomorrow in honour of the men and women who gave their lives.  I’ve had a long-standing love of war movies, and most men have the…


“Why does a hummingbird flap its wings so fast?” “So that it can hover.” “Why does it need to hover?” “So that it can delicately insert its long tongue deep into the sweetest flowers and extract the nectar there.” “Why…

Construction Eye Opener

[This is something I wrote a long time ago and never posted, because I didn’t feel it was polished enough or quite finished.  I’m not in the reno business anymore, but… what the hell, I’m posting it as is anyway.…

The Singularity Cometh

I was dismayed to learn six years back or so that Google had acquired YouTube. While the media focused almost entirely on the benefits or dangers this would confer to both companies, as well as the dollars involved, there didn’t…