Category: Movie

I love movies, and sometimes I’m sufficiently impressed or disappointed to write about them.

Why Men Like War Movies

On the eve of Remembrance Day I was thinking about what films I would watch tomorrow in honour of the men and women who gave their lives.  I’ve had a long-standing love of war movies, and most men have the…

The Pianist

I saw this movie on DVD recently and was duly impressed and moved by it. It’s won literally dozens of awards and it certainly deserves all of them. The story follows a Jewish pianist’s fight for bodily and mental survival…

The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride is one of those movies with something for everyone. I mean everyone. And I don’t mean the completely stupid “something for everyone” family movie crap that Disney churns out (like The Country Bears, for example). This is…

Favourite War Movies

To my mind, what makes a good war movie aside from the standard stuff that makes any movie good are two things: technical realism and a distinct lack of that American-style Hollywood bravado crap. A war movie without either of…


This latest production of M. Night Shyamalan (The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable) is a brilliant work. If you haven’t seen it you should do yourself a favour and go. Humourous, nailbiting, and profound. I, for one, am going to pay to…