Category: *Featured

If you read anything on this site, it should include these posts.

Profit Über Alles

In my last article I pressed on the idea that while we rely on capitalism to value things, there are a lot of things it’s not good at valuing. I want to explore that a little more. The oft repeated…

Art Is Life

I know it sounds outrageous to say it, but I have come around to the belief that without art we are lost. What do we live for otherwise? Our children? Love? Maybe, but to what end, if not to together…

Why Community Matters

The other day I was bemoaning the erosion of community in our everyday lives and placing the blame squarely on automation. Automation and the never-ending race to achieve greater efficiency seeks to remove people from as many equations as possible.…

Daylight Savings Time

I read an article on Daylight Saving Time today which, regardless of how I felt about it, certainly got a lot of commenters worked up.  A health researcher in Britain has proposed eliminating Daylight Saving Time as an ‘easy’ way…


Today in traffic I could see that the vehicle that was three vehicles forward of me had begun signalling to turn left.  I could also see that there was a fair amount of oncoming traffic, so I quickly made a…

The Nature of Waste

Did native North Americans have garbage dumps?  I don’t think so.  I recall learning all about how every part of an antelope or bison was used for something by natives — and nothing at all was wasted.  And why was…

The Value of Things

I was having a discussion with a friend recently in which he lamented about the number of gifts his children had received for Christmas.  It was January 16th and there were still a few gifts under the tree, not yet…

Dump Deconstructed

Since I am a renovator, I am obliged to haul demolition and construction debris to the dump from time to time.  I expect this gives me a somewhat different perspective on this topic than folks who don’t make that trek…

I Am An Evolutionary Success — Maybe

“Mike, look at me.” “I am looking at you.” “No. Look at me. What do you see?” “Okay… I see a thirty-something software guy, balding and growing a paunch.” “Aha, you mock me to camouflage your own glaring inadequacies, but…

Ishmael revisited

In my life I have read only two books a second time.  The first was aeons ago and I cannot now recall what it was.  The second was Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, which I just finished a month ago.  This…