Category: Creative

Poems, stories, drawings, stuff like that.


“Why does a hummingbird flap its wings so fast?” “So that it can hover.” “Why does it need to hover?” “So that it can delicately insert its long tongue deep into the sweetest flowers and extract the nectar there.” “Why…

Global Warming is a Crock, he said

“Global warming is a crock.” “I, uh… whuzzat?” “It’s a crock.  And if it is real, I don’t think humans have anything to do with it.” “You can’t be serious.  I thought you were a deeper thinker than that.” “I…

I Am An Evolutionary Success — Maybe

“Mike, look at me.” “I am looking at you.” “No. Look at me. What do you see?” “Okay… I see a thirty-something software guy, balding and growing a paunch.” “Aha, you mock me to camouflage your own glaring inadequacies, but…