Since I am a renovator, I am obliged to haul demolition and construction debris to the dump from time to time. I expect this gives me a somewhat different perspective on this topic than folks who don’t make that trek…
Category: Consumer Culture
Less Egregious Orchids
“Ever felt pangs of guilt for being born in Canada?” “Not sure what you mean.” “Well, I mean, my wife and I watch HGTV all the time. She’s a designer, so when the kids aren’t monopolizing the TV we flip…
The Fickle Green Wave
Humans are the most fickle of creatures. We have invented fashion as an antidote to boredom and it is this tendency to continually seek, invite, or invent change that is at once our most valuable attribute and our most vexing shortcoming. With respect to global…
The Savings Saviour
The latest ING Direct television ad makes its pitch by appealing to viewers insecurity regarding the money (or lack thereof) they have tucked away for a rainy day and starts something like this: Experts say that you should save three…