My boss was telling about a company he talked to and was pretty impressed with something smart they did. So am I. This company is a cabinet maker and when making cabinets they would create a lot of waste material.…
Category: Technology
The Singularity Cometh
I was dismayed to learn six years back or so that Google had acquired YouTube. While the media focused almost entirely on the benefits or dangers this would confer to both companies, as well as the dollars involved, there didn’t…
Heidegger on Technology
I’ve come across another arresting bit of philosophy in 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl. On page 105 the author quotes Martin Heidegger. It’s interesting to me, because it affirms my own view on technology — a view that I’ve been…
More Geo-Engineering Hijinx
Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I’m not sure about the former. — Albert Einstein It appears that the notion of reflecting the sun’s rays in order to deal with global warming has not died…
The Hipster PDA. Yeah, it’s real.
For a long time I have been looking for a good way to track all the things that I need to take care of in my life. I tried all kinds of electronic systems and daytimers and gave up on those. …
The Blackberry scourge
For those of you out there who feel that an electronic PDA or Blackberry is the shiznit, you will have a difficult time convincing me. Six months ago I left a job of five years that required me to carry…
Don’t Monkey With My Sun
It would seem that someone (more than once!) has had the hallucinagenically-induced idea to control global warming by building mirrors in space that would partially reflect the suns rays. To paraphrase Babbage, I am unable to apprehend the state of mind that…
Terminator robotics today
Courtesy of slashdot I found this site. It contains a number of mpegs (1 to 1.5 Megs each) documenting the abilities of a new robotic visual tracking system that has been developed in a Japanese laboratory. Basically these videos show…