Category: Science

The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth

“The meek shall inherit the Earth” is a well-known biblical phrase that has always made me wonder. It’s typically understood to convey the idea that the meek, the pliable, the unquestioning, will be ‘given’ the Earth by God. These are…

Global warming is a crock

“Global warming is a crock.” “I, uh… whuzzat?” “It’s a crock.  And if it is real, I don’t think humans have anything to do with it.” “You can’t be serious.  I thought you were a deeper thinker than that.” “I…


Social scientists and happiness researchers tell us that experiencing gratitude is one of the key emotions involved in maintaining a healthy and happy state of mind.  I thought it strange to think of gratitude as an emotion, but upon reflection…

New theory on dinosaur extinction?

In university I studied Earth Sciences and had to write many research papers.  One of my favourite topics to write on when the subject allowed it was the Cretaceous/Tertiary extinction event — the extinction event that eliminated the dinosaurs.  So…

Why water boils

Here’s something you probably didn’t know. I thought it was interesting when I first learned it. When you heat water to a great enough temperature it boils. That is, the liquid turns to gas and escapes. You might think, then,…

The golden rule

“What I’m saying is that religion thinks it holds a monopoly on morality. No religion, no morality. I call bullshit. In fact, I would say it’s possibly a fear of having no morality — or rather, being told that one…