Category: Politics

Observations about politics and politicians.

Global Warming is a Crock, he said

“Global warming is a crock.” “I, uh… whuzzat?” “It’s a crock.  And if it is real, I don’t think humans have anything to do with it.” “You can’t be serious.  I thought you were a deeper thinker than that.” “I…

Collateral Murder

I heard about a video (and the WikiLeaks website) on The Current on CBC radio yesterday.  I wasn’t sure at the time if I would have the intestinal fortitude to watch it, but today I decided that I had to…

More Geo-Engineering Hijinx

Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I’m not sure about the former. — Albert Einstein It appears that the notion of reflecting the sun’s rays in order to deal with global warming has not died…

Don’t Monkey With My Sun

It would seem that someone (more than once!) has had the hallucinagenically-induced idea to control global warming by building mirrors in space that would partially reflect the suns rays.  To paraphrase Babbage, I am unable to apprehend the state of mind that…