Category: Politics

Observations about politics and politicians.

Capitalism: Case in point

I’ve been railing about the deleterious effects of capitalism in one form or another for some years now, slowly refining my views on it. If you want examples, see here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. My view currently…

Profit über alles

In my last article I pressed on the idea that while we rely on capitalism to value things, there are a lot of things it’s not good at valuing. I want to explore that a little more. The oft repeated…

Art is life

It may sound outrageous to say it — I used to think so — but without art we are lost. What do we live for otherwise? Our children? Love? Perhaps, but to what end, if not to together experience the…

Why community matters

The other day I was bemoaning the erosion of community in our everyday lives and placing the blame squarely on automation. Automation and the never-ending race to achieve greater efficiency seeks to remove people from as many equations as possible.…

The singularity cometh

I was dismayed to learn six years back or so that Google had acquired YouTube. While the media focussed almost entirely on the benefits or dangers this would confer to both companies, as well as the dollars involved, there didn’t…

Global warming is a crock

“Global warming is a crock.” “I, uh… whuzzat?” “It’s a crock.  And if it is real, I don’t think humans have anything to do with it.” “You can’t be serious.  I thought you were a deeper thinker than that.” “I…

Collateral murder

I heard about a video (and the WikiLeaks website) on The Current on CBC radio yesterday.  I wasn’t sure at the time if I would have the intestinal fortitude to watch it, but today I decided that I had to…