Author: onestring

The Good Delusions

I heard someone on a radio show recently talking about the beauty of nature.  She went on to explain that if you are “in the moment” and in tune with what is going on around you — let yourself tune in, as…

Don’t Monkey With My Sun

It would seem that someone (more than once!) has had the hallucinagenically-induced idea to control global warming by building mirrors in space that would partially reflect the suns rays.  To paraphrase Babbage, I am unable to apprehend the state of mind that…

The Fickle Green Wave

Humans are the most fickle of creatures.  We have invented fashion as an antidote to boredom and it is this tendency to continually seek, invite, or invent change that is at once our most valuable attribute and our most vexing shortcoming.  With respect to global…

The Nature of an Artist

A simple definition of an artist is “one who creates art”.  Of course, this is also a useless definition.  Good definition or no, there is, I think, a quintessentially true statement that can be made of all artists. I have…

Key to a low maintenance life (#1)

Socks are a troublesome clothing item since they come in pairs that must be properly reunited after washing.  In order to reduce the time spent sorting and matching socks to an absolute minimum, rid yourself of all current stockpiles and purchase…

Sign of the Times

Today downtown I saw for the first time a Toyota Prius taxicab. Prius is, to my knowledge, one of the most fuel efficient mass produced vehicles on the market. And it costs a mint. It’s interesting to see high fuel…

La Difference

If a Left-leaning individual and a Right-leaning individual hear a story of someone who has committed a horrible crime, the Right says “We must punish that person and make them pay for their crime”. The Left says “My god, what must have happened to this…

Intelligent Design Unlikely

One of the bits of evidence that creationists point to in support of the notion of God having created man is that the the body is such a perfect and harmonious machine. Further, that the incalculable complexity if the thing…