Author: onestring

The Golden Rule

“What I’m saying is that religion thinks it holds a monopoly on morality. No religion, no morality. I call bullshit. In fact, I would say it’s possibly a fear of having no morality — or rather, being told that one…

More Geo-Engineering Hijinx

Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I’m not sure about the former. — Albert Einstein It appears that the notion of reflecting the sun’s rays in order to deal with global warming has not died…

I Am An Evolutionary Success — Maybe

“Mike, look at me.” “I am looking at you.” “No. Look at me. What do you see?” “Okay… I see a thirty-something software guy, balding and growing a paunch.” “Aha, you mock me to camouflage your own glaring inadequacies, but…

Ishmael revisited

In my life I have read only two books a second time.  The first was aeons ago and I cannot now recall what it was.  The second was Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, which I just finished a month ago.  This…

The Nature of Art

After being told by an art dealer that art is “anything that moves you”, a friend of mine once quipped, “Well, stepping in a pile of shit moves me, but I don’t call that art.” The art dealer’s defintion was too…

The Blackberry scourge

For those of you out there who feel that an electronic PDA or Blackberry is the shiznit, you will have a difficult time convincing me. Six months ago I left a job of five years that required me to carry…