Author: onestring

A smart idea

My boss was telling about a company he talked to and was pretty impressed with something smart they did. So am I. This company is a cabinet maker and when making cabinets they would create a lot of waste material.…

The singularity cometh

I was dismayed to learn six years back or so that Google had acquired YouTube. While the media focussed almost entirely on the benefits or dangers this would confer to both companies, as well as the dollars involved, there didn’t…

I know you can do better

I continue to be astounded by the lack of concern individuals show for the deteriorating state of planet.  At work, I have setup a couple of recycle bins — one for plastic and one for cardboard — yet I am…

I’m back

Wow, time flies.  It’s been just over two years since my last post.  I took the site down for quite a while, because I dropped the web hosting provider I had been using.  It’s taken me this long find the…

Video games then and now

When I was a kid (oh boy… here we go…) the popular video games were things like Asteroids, Galaga, Defender, Space Invaders, and, oh yes, Pac Man.  The goal of these games was to kill the bad guys or eat…

Aussie DUI advertisement

Simply incredible.  This ad should run everywhere.  Warning: It’s not pretty, but it’s exactly what we need to help people extricate their craniums from their rectums.

A matter of perspective

I read somewhere that the ancient Greeks imagined your past as stretching out before you, while the future surprised you from behind.  Our society imagines it the other way around: our past is behind us and we look forward in…

Daylight Savings Time

I read an article on Daylight Saving Time today which, regardless of how I felt about it, certainly got a lot of commenters worked up.  A health researcher in Britain has proposed eliminating Daylight Saving Time as an ‘easy’ way…