Author: onestring


“Why does a hummingbird flap its wings so fast?” “So that it can hover.” “Why does it need to hover?” “So that it can delicately insert its long tongue deep into the sweetest flowers and extract the nectar there.” “Why…

More proof Facebook is bad news

What more information do we need to convince us to get the hell out of dodge?  Why are you trading your privacy for the privilege of playing Farmville?  Don’t worry, your real friends will call you. The implications of Facebook’s…

Construction eye opener

[This is something I wrote a long time ago and never posted, because I didn’t feel it was polished enough or quite finished.  I’m not in the reno business anymore, but… what the hell, I’m posting it as is anyway.…

My Ishmael

In a previous article I talked about the book Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn.  I was delighted to discover a sequel to that book called My Ishmael.  I’m enjoying it just as much.  The thing I love most about these books…


Over the past week not a newscast has been spoken here in Canada without mentioning the desperately unfortunate case of Rehtaeh Parsons, a 17 year-old girl who was gang-raped by four boys and then subsequently bullied by them and others…