Author: onestring

Eulogy for Ivan Szlapetis

It’s June 9th, and as I write this I sit in a spot on a bluff overlooking the Red Deer river in Drumheller, Alberta, about 150km northeast of Calgary.  There’s a suspension footbridge down below that you have to cross…

Why men like war movies

On the eve of Remembrance Day I was thinking about what films I would watch tomorrow in honour of the men and women who gave their lives.  I’ve had a long-standing love of war movies, and most men have the…

Dear Telus

Dear Telus, Next year, when you drop off the phone book, please just circle around behind my house and deposit it into the handy blue recycling bin located there.  Or, if you truly want to be a friend to the…

I don’t want. I want out.

I don’t want what this society has to offer. I don’t want money.  I don’t want prestige.  I don’t want a fancy car, nice clothes, or a big beautiful house.  I don’t want any of it.  As far as I’m…


Jibulate   jib-you-late, v. 1.  To use made up words — esp. with the intent of being cute or irritating; 2.  Any use of the word jibulate (q.v.) Example:  “Looks like your widget-smoosher has cross-jibulated the floofen-gerzel.”